The situation at Kajipara area of Shibpur in Howrah has improved. The Chief Secretary Harikrishna Dwivedi told news persons at the state secretariat Nabanna this afternoon that the law and order situation is almost under control following the untoward incident during a Ram Navami procession last night.
The roads are now open, and public transport is also plying. Normalcy in civic life has already been restored, he added. However strict vigil is being kept in the area. Meanwhile the state Home secretary B P Gopalika has gone to Raj Bhawan to brief the situation to the Governor.
Chief Minister Mamta Banerjee appealed to all to maintain peace and harmony. She has assured us to compensate those whose cars and shops got damaged as a result of the incident last night. Informing that 35 persons were arrested so far, she said the Police have been asked not to spare any of the culprits.
The Leader of the Opposition Shuvendu Adhikari demanded an inquiry by NIA to ascertain the main cause behind the incident. The state BJP chief Sukanta Majumder said, he would write to the Union Home Minister demanding central intervention and inquiry.