In Kerala, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan declares the State a complete e-governance State today, marking a major stride in Kerala’s journey towards achieving a cent percent digital literacy. Mr. Vijayan said, the strengthening of e-Governance in the State is part of using advanced technology to deliver government services to the people and the government is aiming to eliminate the digital divide in society.
Besides digitizing the delivery of government services to the people, total e-governance will ensure the inclusion of all sections of
society. The Government has built a single window service delivery mechanism called e-Sevanam which integrates more than 800 plus government services online.
The State IT Mission has also created a set of digitized platforms and applications including e-Office File Flow, taking it down to the village office level. The delivery of key services has already been digitized, covering health, education, land revenue, documentation of properties, public distribution system, and social security payouts.