Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray said on Friday that lockdown in red zones like Mumbai and Pune is likely to be extended after May 3. "The question being asked is, 'what after May 3'? I want to make it clear that we cannot lift the lockdown from the red zones like in the Mumbai-Pune belt, parts of Nagpur and other areas in the state," Thackeray said.

Maharashtra is the main state in the nation to report more than 10,000 coronavirus cases. Mumbai alone has seen more than 7,000 COVID-19 cases since the episode. The complete number of patients in the state moved to 10,498, as per the service of wellbeing and family government assistance. Loss of life in the state rose to 459, the most elevated in any state in India. 

Maharashtra intends to leave the lockdown in a staged way. The state government has just mapped puts based on red, green and orange zones. "Relaxations will be completed after May 3 zone-wise. It will be one bit by bit and warily," the Maharashtra CM said. 

Monetary exercises in green zones will

continue step by step. In orange zones, excepting the influenced zones, business exercises will be permitted, he said. "Try not to pack in places where the limitations are loose, in any case the standards should be made stricter," Thackeray cautioned. 

In the wake of coronavirus pandemic, Maharashtra had reported lockdown on March 24, a day prior to the across the country lockdown which started from March 25. Leader Narendra Modi broadened the lockdown till May 3 to contain the spread of the infection.

According to the Union health ministry, Maharashtra has one of highest number of red zones in the country at 14. All of Mumbai’s suburban areas have been classified as red zones.

Maharashtra chief minister once again urged the citizens to not panic. "From few days old babies to 83 years old people have recovered from coronavirus and gone home. People on ventilators have also recovered," Thackeray said.

"We have to get out of it. We should know that the illness is curable if detected early," he added.
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