Maharashtra Chief Minister on Tuesday announced strict lockdown-like measures aimed to break the infection's chain. There will be 15-day 'corona curfew' with only essential services being allowed in the state.
As Maharashtra reported 60,212 fresh COVID-19 cases Tuesday, CM Uddhav Thackeray, in his virtual address to the state, said that public transport would be available only for those involved in essential services during the 15-day 'janta curfew' starting Wednesday (April 15). Section 144 will be imposed across Maharashtra from tomorrow which means no one will be allowed to venture out
without valid reason. All public places will also remain shut for a fortnight.
Describing the situation as scary, Uddhav Thackeray said he has requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to allow procurement of oxygen from other states. He said that Maharashtra's healthcare system was under great pressure. Thackeray said he would also request the PM for taking Air Force, Army's help for tackling shortage of oxygen and medicines in the state.
"Hospitals across the state are under tremendous pressure. The healthcare system is overburdened. The current situation is scary," Uddav Thackeray said.
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