Maharashtra Disaster Management Minister Vijay Wadettiwar on Friday said that he has proposed a complete lockdown in the state in view of continued spike in Covid-19 cases and upcoming festivals. Speaking to India Today TV, the minister said that tt was crucial to close all sops and establishments to break the chain of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Vijay Wadettiwar said that he proposed a complete lockdown in the state during a virtual meeting earlier in the day. The final call on this matter will be taken by Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Saturday during an all-party meeting, he said.
“Every day we are witnessing 50 to 60 thousand cases. We have 5.31 lakh active cases today. If the upsurge continues like this, we will have more than 10 lakh active cases soon,” the
disaster management minister said, adding that to avoid such a situation the state must break the chain of transmission by minimising crowding.
“If we have to break the chain, it's not possible keeping half the shops and establishments open. In the virtual conference that took place today, I have suggested a strict lockdown of three weeks to break the chain,” the minister said.
Vijay Wadettiwar said that even during weekend lockdown, crowds can be witnessed in vegetable markets. “There should be provision to supply vegetable and groceries at homes. I have expressed my opinion. I think this decision needs to be taken at the earliest,” he said.
The minister expressed hope that the chief minister will agree with his opinion during the meeting on Saturday.
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