Kanpur: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch the Kanpur Metro by the end of this year. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath flagged off the trial run of Kanpur Metro on nine-kilometre priority track between IIT and Moti Jheel yesterday.
During the trial run, he also inspected the facilities available in the metro coaches as well as the arrangements for the platforms. On the occasion, Chief Minister said that the residents of Kanpur will have a great transportation service in the next six to eight weeks.
Two metro corridors of about 32.5-kilometre long are proposed under the Kanpur Metro Project. In the first phase, Metro will run on the nine-kilometre priority corridor. Nine Metro
stations have been constructed so far. The Second Phase of Metro work would be carried out between Moti Jheel and Transport Nagar for which underground stations will be constructed.
On becoming fully operational, six Metro trains will run on the priority corridor between IIT and Moti Jheel, and two trains will remain parked in the depot as a reserve. Six more trains will arrive in the city by the time the commercial operations are launched. The construction work of the Kanpur Metro Rail Project was initiated by the Adityanath Government on November 15, 2019. The Kanpur Metro Rail Project has been completed in less than two years, despite the pandemic break.