Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and his ministers will hold a special cabinet meeting in Prayagraj today. All 54 ministers of the Uttar Pradesh cabinet have been invited to this meeting, which is expected to approve several significant proposals and schemes for the state. Following the meeting, the Chief Minister, along with the entire cabinet, will take the holy dip in the sacred waters of the Triveni Sangam.
The cabinet meeting will be held at the Triveni Sankul in Arail, starting at 12 noon. The location was changed to avoid inconvenience to pilgrims visiting the Sangam. Initially, the meeting was
planned at the Mela Authority Auditorium, but concerns over VIP security disrupting pilgrims’ movement led to the shift in venue. After the meeting, the ministers will travel from the Arail VIP Ghat to the Sangam by motorboat. At the Sangam, CM Yogi and the cabinet members will perform the worship rituals and take the holy dip in the Sangam.
Notably, this isn’t the first time CM Yogi has led his cabinet to the Sangam. In 2019, during the Kumbh Mela, he took a ceremonial dip along with his ministers, Akhada Parishad President Narendra Giri, and other saints.