Stand-up comedian Munnawar Faruqui, who was granted ad-interim bail by the Supreme Court earlier, will not be released from Indore Jail as they have not received any orders from the top court yet, authorities said on Saturday.
The apex court had granted ad-interim bail to Faruqui in a case registered against him by the Madhya Pradesh Police for allegedly hurting religious sentiments. The court also stayed a production warrant against him by the Uttar Pradesh government in a separate case based on similar allegations.
Counsels of the comedian on Saturday submitted the order of the apex court in the Indore court, which directed that comedian be released on a bond of Rs 50,000 and the similar amount of security.
Asked why Faruqui was not released from the jail, the
authorities said, "He has been granted bail in the Madhya Pradesh case. The orders of the relevant court have been received, however, there is no bail in Prayagraj case. We have a production warrant that has to be presented in the Prayagraj court by February 18. There is no official communication on the prayagraj warrant."
Citing the jail manual, the jail official said an order from the Prayagraj court or a competent government officer is needed to release Faruqui.
The officer said Faruqui will be taken to Prayagraj on Sunday morning if they don't get the requisite order.
Meanwhile, Faruqui's cousin Zaid Pathan said they are disappointed with the stand of the jail administration.
"Our belief in judiciary was strengthened after the Supreme Court order," he said.
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