In Jammu and Kashmir, in order to curb the spread of misinformation and uphold the integrity of the electoral process in the upcoming Assembly Elections, the Command and Control Centres have been set up in the offices of Chief Electoral Officer at Jammu and Srinagar.
Similarly, on smaller size, control rooms have been made functional on 24 x 7 basis in all 20 DC offices of the Union Territory. Equipped with state-of-art infrastructure, the Command-and-Control Centre has integrated latest technologies. It would function
round-the-clock to keep a close vigil on all the election-related activities ensuring strict and prompt action, including against any suspected case of fake news.
Meanwhile, Chief Electoral Officer of J&K, P.K. Pole has appealed all citizens and all political parties to adhere to the guidelines issued by Election Commission of India in order to maintain sanctity of the democratic process in J&K. He also appealed to general public to use C-Vigil App for highlighting MCC related violations.