Congress on Monday announced a 16-member-led election committee for Lok Sabha polls 2024. Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge, former Congress presidents- Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, Ambika Soni and Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury were among the members of the committee.
Chhattishgarh Congress leader TS Sing Deo and Uttar Pradesh Congress leader Salman Khurshid were the surprising names on the list.
Earlier, Kharge had on August 20 reconstituted the top body
of the party - CWC (Congress Working Committee), retaining the old guard, giving space to the young and including prominent G23 group leaders such as Shashi Tharoor and Anand Sharma, in the 84-member top decision-making body of the party.
The all-important CWC, formed 10 months after Kharge took charge, has 39 regular members, 32 permanent invitees and 13 special invitees. These include 15 women and several new faces such as Sachin Pilot and Gourav Gogoi who are among the regular members.