New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi interacted with Harvard University students from across the world on Friday and asserted that he is determined to ensure that every Indian student gets the exposure and opportunity needed to become global ambassadors."Had a wonderful and engaging chat with a diverse community of Harvard students from across the world.

"The students were curious about a wide range of topics -- about India, the rise of authoritarianism and challenges to democratic politics, geopolitical challenges posed by China, and new technology such as AI," Gandhi said on X after the meeting.

The interaction with the visiting students of the Harvard University took place in Delhi on


The former Congress chief also shared pictures of his interaction with the students on X.

I explained my views, especially on democratic production model, the power of listening, and India's philosophical and spiritual traditions," he said.

"Listening to these bright, confident minds made me more determined to fight to give every Indian student the same exposure and opportunity to become global ambassadors," Gandhi asserted.

The Congress leader has been interacting with students in universities in the country as well as in prominent universities across the world during his visits abroad.

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