Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was seen making chocolates at a factory in Tamil Nadu's Ooty. In a video shared by the Congress MP on Sunday of his visit, he was seen interacting with the all-women staff and sought detailed information on how the candies are made.
Rahul Gandhi had visited one of Ooty's most celebrated brands 'Moddys Chocolates' in the famous hill town situated in the Nilgiris, earlier this month while on
his way to his parliamentary constituency Kerala's Wayanad after his Lok Sabha membership was restored. At the Moddys Chocolates, 70 women are employed to do the various tasks.
Sharing a clip of the video on X, the 53-year-old leader wrote, “A team of 70 incredible women drives one of Ooty’s famous chocolate factories! The story of Moddys Chocolates is a remarkable testament to the great potential of India's MSMEs."