Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack against the Congress during his public address in Rajasthan’s Bikaner. PM Modi said, “'Congress matlab loot ki dukan, jhooth ka bazaar (Congress party is a 'shop of loot' and a 'market of lies').”
With just a few months to go for the Rajasthan Assembly elections, this was PM Modi’s seventh trip to the state in the past nine months.
During the rally, PM Modi lashed out at the Congress, which is in power in the desert state. “Farmers of Rajasthan have suffered the most due to the Congress government...Ever since the Congress government came to power
in Rajasthan, what did they do? For 4 years, the entire Congress party and the government have been fighting among themselves. Everyone is pulling each other's legs,” PM Modi said on Saturday.
The prime minister said that the Congress government in Rajasthan has only harmed the state.
“We send schemes from Delhi to Rajasthan, but in Jaipur, the Congress claws at them. Congress has nothing to do with Rajasthan's problems and your problems. The Congress government is also troubled by the BJP's plan to provide benefits to every household. Congress has only done harm to the state in the past years,” PM Modi said.