Congress MP Rajani Ashokrao Patil was suspended from the Rajya Sabha for the remaining part of the current session for recording the proceedings of the house on Friday. Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankar suspended her for acting in violation of the directions of the chair.
Dhankar said, "In the public domain yesterday, on Twitter, there was the dissemination of a video relating to proceedings of this House. I took a serious view of it and did all that was required. As a matter of principle and to keep the sanctity of Parliament, no outside agency's involvement could be sought."
He further said, "The entire matter will be probed by the Privileges Committee and till we have the benefit of the recommendation of the Privileges Committee for consideration of this august House, Dr. Rajani Ashokrao Patil is suspended for the current session."
The budget session of Parliament commenced on January 31 and the first part of the session will conclude on February 13. The second part of the session will be held from March
13 to April 6. Raising the matter in the House, Leader of the House Piyush Goyal said they are seeing videos recorded in the House showing senior Members of Parliament unauthorisedly being recorded.
"An unfortunate incident happened yesterday. It has been found that on social media we're seeing videos recorded in this august House showing senior Members of Parliament unauthorisedly being recorded. It has been demonstrated and distributed through social media," Goyal said. "Even though it is showing Opposition Members in poor light, I think any such action done by any Member is something of very serious concern. MPs have already complained to you about this incident. They had requested you to have the matter investigated and examined," the minister said.
He urged the Chair to name the member"I'll consider this misconduct of the House, a blatant and flagrant disregard for the rules of the House. I would urge you (Chairman) to name the Member who was involved in this act & appropriate actions should be taken in this case," Goyal said.