In Gujarat, the counting of votes for polls to 81 municipalities, 31 district panchayat and 231 taluka panchayat begins this morning. The polling took place last Sunday. Out of total 8474 seats, the results of 237 seats declared unopposed earlier, while no forms were fielded on two seats. Thus the polling was held on 8235 seats.
More than 22 thousand candidates are in fray, though the main contest is between BJP and Congress. According to the official press release of the
State Election Commission, around 58.82 percent turnout recorded in Municipalities, 65.80 percent turnout recorded in District Panchayats and 66.60 percent turnout recorded in taluka panchayats.
Re-polling was held in Ghodiya in Jhalod taluka of Dahod districts yesterday after two EVMs were damaged during the polling on Sunday. 17 people have been arrested in Vadodara for allegedly taking custody of EVMs after polling on Sunday.