In Bihar, Covid-19 is now spreading in rural areas. Additional Chief Secretary, Panchyati Raj department, Amrit Lal Meena said, 30 percent of the households in rural areas have some members having fever. State government has instructed all Mukhiyas in the vulnerable districts having higher case load, to track symptomatic patients and ensure they are put on early medication after proper tests so that complications and morality rate is reduced.
Panchyati Raj representatives have been asked to monitor general health of people in their respective Gram Panchayats, especially in households where members are running fever. Each household this time is being given six masks for protection against Covid.
Meanwhile, a record number of
13 thousand 466 cases were reported yesterday. The number of casualties due to the pandemic has gone up to three thousand one hundred thirty nine.
The positivity rate has gone up to about 12.56 percent. Patna reported two thousand 410 positive cases, the highest in the state, followed by 630 in Muzaffarpur district. The active cases have crossed one lakh fifteen thousand sixty six. The recovery rate is decreasing and now stands at 79.16 percent.
Four lakh fourty nine thousand 63 people have recovered from the infection so far. Sixty seven thousand 396 people took the vaccine yesterday. Over 78 lakh 51 thousand 116 people have been vaccinated in the state so far.