In Madhya Pradesh, the curfew has been extended till April 30 to break the chain of corona infection. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan while addressing the Core Group meeting on Corona yesterday said that effective implementation of Janata curfew is necessary in every city, street-locality and village.
The government has also issued new guidelines yesterday regarding prevention of corona virus infection. As per the new guidelines, all the Government and private offices will now be operating with 10 percent employees in the state except the offices providing essential services.
organizing any types of social, political, sports, entertainment, educational, cultural, public and religious programs will be completely prohibited. Additional Chief Secretary Dr Rajesh Rajaura has informed that these instructions will be strictly implemented to break the chain of infection.
Meanwhile, necessary medicine kit and instruction brochure will be provided to the patients living in home isolation at their home. On the other hand, as many as 12 thousand 727 people were found to be infected with COVID-19 in the state in the past 24 hours while 8 thousand 937 were recovered.