At least Rs 24 lakh each is expected to be given as compensation to the next of kin of all Keralites who died in the devastation caused by cyclone Ockhi, a Home Ministry official said.
The central government is also likely to release the final financial assistance to cyclone-hit Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Lakhshadweep by the end of this month.
While the Kerala government will provide Rs 16 lakh as compensation to the families of the 76 people, whose bodies were recovered, Rs 4 lakh will be given by the central government.
Besides, Rs 2 lakh will be given to the families of the victims under the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana and Rs 2 lakh has already been released from the
Prime Minister's relief fund, the official said.
Next of kin of those who were missing after the cyclone is also expected to receive around Rs 20 lakh, the official said, requesting anonymity.
In Kerala, so far, 76 bodies have been recovered while whereabouts of 144 people are not known.
Exact amount of compensation for those who died in Tamil Nadu is yet to be known. At least 14 people lost their lives in Tamil Nadu during the cyclone.
The official said the central team, headed by additional secretary in the home ministry Bipin Mallick, which visited Kerala to asses the damage caused by the cyclone has returned and will submit its report soon.