The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Monday issued an orange or "be prepared" alert for heavy rains in 13 districts in Madhya Pradesh even as the state received intermittent showers during the day due to cyclone Tauktae, an official said.
The IMD also issued a yellow alert for thunderstorms with lightning and gusty winds at speeds of 40 50 kilometres per hour in isolated places of nine divisions till Tuesday morning.
The orange alert is for 13 districts,
including Narsinghpur, Alirajpurand and Mandsaur, while the yellow alert has been issued for Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur, Gwalior and Jabalpur divisions among others.
"Large parts of MP received rainfall, accompanied by gusty winds in some places, in the last 24 hours. An upper air cyclonic circulation was lying over north-east MP and the neighbourhood. Tauktae has brought moisture to Madhya Pradesh, which is causing rains along with winds," said P K Saha, senior meteorologist with IMD's Bhopal office.