Prime Minister Narendra Modi on May 28 announced a financial aid of Rs 1,000 crore for states hit by Cyclone Yaas. The announcement was made shortly after he conducted an aerial survey of areas in West Bengal and Odisha that were severely affected by the cyclonic storm.
Out of the Rs 1,000 crore aid, Rs 500 crore would be given to Odisha for carrying out immediate relief work, said a statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).
The remaining amount would be disbursed to West Bengal and
Jharkhand after assessing the damages, it added.
"Modi announced a financial assistance of Rs 1000 crore for immediate relief activities. Rs 500 crore would be immediately given to Odisha. Another Rs 500 crores has been announced for West Bengal and Jharkhand, which will be released on the basis of the damage," the PMO said.
"The Union government will deploy an inter-ministerial team to visit the states to assess the extent of damage, based on which further assistance will be given," the statement further said.