Defence Minister Rajnath Singh today launched the ‘Services e-Health Assistance & Tele-consultation (SeHAT) OPD Portal via video conferencing. The Portal will help the Armed Forces in providing tele-medicine services. Mr Singh said , this shows government’s commitment to e-governance and digital India. The minister complimented all the Armed forces for serving the people with utmost dedication during this second wave of Covid-19.
He said, this wave of COVID is unprecedented and more dangerous than earlier. Mr Singh said, Defence Ministry has rendered its services in the second wave too. He said, DRDO has set up COVID hospitals and Oxygen generation plants in Delhi, Lucknow, Varanasi and many other parts of the country. The Defence Minister said, with help of Hyderabad-based Dr Reddy's Lab,
DRDO has produced essential medicine 2-DG. He said, It is yielding positive results. Mr Singh said, he has been receiving information from many states that they want 2-DG.
The Minister said, 10 thousand sachets of 2-DG are coming to market today. News reports that by this defence personnel from Army , Navy, Airforce and ex- service personal can take tele consultations from Armed forces specialists doctors . It will cater to around four crore people and family members of defence personnel. The service will be provided by defence services doctors from their regular duties .
For Persons aged 75 and above there is no need to wait , they can consult without waiting. In last one month on e-sanjivani platform 5 lakh people availed the facility of telecommunication.