Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has welcomed Centre’s move to cancel CBSE class 12 Board examination for academic session 2020-21. The decision was taken in a crucial meeting chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
“The Government of India has decided to cancel the Class XII CBSE Board Exams. After extensive consultations, we have taken a decision that is student-friendly, one that safeguards the health as well as future of our youth,” Narendra Modi tweeted after chairing the meeting.
“I am glad 12th Board exams have been cancelled. All of us were very worried about
the health of our children. A big relief,” said Arvind Kejriwal. Earlier, Kejriwal had urged the Central Government to cancel the CBSE Class 12th exams keeping in view the ongoing pandemic. He had suggested to the Centre that students should be evaluated on the basis of their past performances. .
“Students and parents are really worried about Class 12th Board exams. They don’t want the exams to be conducted without vaccination. I appeal to the Centre that the exams be cancelled and the evaluation be done on the basis of the past performance,” Kejirwal had tweeted.