Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said people are celebrating the encounter of the four accused in the gangrape and murder case of a Hyderabad veterinarian, shows that they have lost faith in the criminal justice system and investigating agencies and called it a matter of concern.
Kejriwal was reacting to the encounter killings of four persons accused of raping and killing a veterinarian in Hyderabad. “There has been so many crimes against women, be it Unnao or Hyderabad, that there is anger among the people across the nation. The agencies and governments (State and Center) should sit
together to discuss ways to strengthen the criminal justice system in country,” said Kejriwal.
“After the encounter, people are happy and satisfied and they are cheering the encounter but this also shows that people have lost their faith in the criminal justice system and the investigating agencies,” said Kejriwal.
“This loss of faith in justice system and security agencies is a matter of concern. We all have to strengthen our
law and order system so that people start believing in this system again and every victim can get justice soon,” said Kejriwal.