Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has urged the Central Government to provide adequate doses of Covid vaccines for the continuation of the vaccination drive in the city.
He has also urged to increase the vaccine quota of Delhi amid the reported shortage of vaccines in the national capital.
Briefing the media in New Delhi today, Mr. Kejriwal has said, vaccination drive for the people aged above 18 years has been halted in Delhi from today and several vaccination centres have been shut due to
paucity of the vaccine.
He said, vaccination centres will be completely shut from tomorrow for the youths.
The Chief Minister said, Delhi government has asked the Central Government to provide the doses of vaccines.
He said, Delhi needs 80 lakh doses of vaccine every month.
He said, so far 50 lakh vaccine doses have been administered to the people of Delhi and an additional two crore 50 lakh additional doses is required to cover all the beneficiaries.