A Delhi court yesterday convicted Brajesh Thakur and 18 others for sexual and physical assault on several girls in a Muzaffarpur shelter home. Additional Sessions Judge Saurabh Kulshreshtha convicted Thakur for aggravated sexual assault under Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and gang rape. The shelter home was run by Brajesh Thakur.
The court acquitted one of the accused, who included 12 men and eight women. It fixed the 28th of January for arguments on quantum of
The court had on 30th of March last year, framed charges against the accused, including Brajesh Thakur. It had held a trial for the offenses of rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, drugging of minors, criminal intimidation among other charges.
Brajesh Thakur and employees of the shelter home, as well as the Bihar Department of Social Welfare officials were charged with criminal conspiracy, neglect of duty and failure to report an assault on the girls.