A Delhi court Wednesday granted bail to former NITI Aayog CEO Sindhushree Khullar and others in the INX Media corruption case filed by the CBI.
Special Judge Ajay Kumar Kuhar also granted bail to former Officer on Special Duty (OSD) to finance minister Pradeep Kumar Bagga and former FIPB director Prabodh Saxena.
The court, which granted them bail on a surety of Rs 2 lakh each, directed that they would not leave the country
without its permission.
It also directed them not to tamper with evidence.
Former finance minister P Chidambaram is already out on bail in the case.
The CBI registered an FIR on May 15, 2017 alleging irregularities in a Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) clearance granted to the INX Media group for receiving overseas funds of Rs 305 crore in 2007 during Chidambaram's tenure as Union finance minister.