Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain on Thursday launched the Jeevan Seva app to aid Delhi’s COVID patients and their families for their safe commute to hospitals and health care facilities in the city. The app, launched in collaboration with EVERA will use Electric Vehicles as an ambulance to transfer non-critical cases to health care facilities within Delhi free of cost. The patients can download the app through the link which will be sent through SMS and QR code to every tested COVID positive patient in Delhi.

Speaking at the occasion, Jain said, "From health checkups, ambulance requirements to admission in hospitals, health amenities are now just a click away. With this app, you will get access to an e-vehicle which will provide for free pick up and drop services. Each vehicle will be properly sanitised after every ride.”

Co-Founder and CEO of Prakriti E-Mobility Pvt. Ltd. Nimish Trivedi said, "The Jeevan Seva app is the first-ever initiative to help COVID patients to reach healthcare facilities in EV cabs while taking care of the patients and planet with its zero-emission cabs. We are pleased to work with the Delhi Government to launch this great initiative and hope that it will help us in fighting the ongoing pandemic."


patients can download the app through the link which will be sent through SMS and QR code to every tested COVID positive patient in Delhi. They can book a cab from the app after registering through OTP, by entering their pick up and drop location. The nearest cab will automatically be dispatched to serve. The service will be available 24 hrs.

The drivers will get all the information through their app. They will reach the patient sooner as the pickup location is automatically captured by the app. The availability of real-time GPS tracking will make the monitoring smoother. Dedicated supervisors will be monitoring the situation round the clock. 

The trained drivers will be complying with new safety guidelines such as wearing PPE kits and being well equipped with sanitizers. The cabin will be insulated as well.

The app will add efficiency to Delhi's Emergency Commute Services enabling ambulances to be more available to cater to serious requests in time.

The patient will be apprised of pickup time and can contact the driver through the app only, reducing the anxiety regarding the availability and reaching of the cab ambulance. The process is all digital and it will give a touch-free convenient drive to patients.
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