Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday held a review meeting of Covid situation in the national capital with top officials. One of the major decisions taken during the meeting was to start a vaccination drive for all media houses.
The Delhi Government has decided to organise a mass COVID-19 vaccination drive for all the Media houses (Electronic Media/Digital Media/Print Media). The Government will organise vaccination drive at their offices and bear the cost, a statement said.
During the highl-level meeting,
CM Kejriwal also directed officials to ensure that there is no scarcity of beds in hospitals as the oxygen supply scenario has improved considerably. "No one should die because of scarcity of oxygen," Kejriwal reportedly told officials.
He also asked concernd authorities and officials that vaccination drive in Delhi to be completed within the next three months. District Magistrate's should visit 2-3 vaccination centres for inspection daily. They should also conduct surprise visits at Covid relief camps and old age homes, Kejriwal said.