The Delhi High Court has ordered the Border Security Force (BSF) to process the benefit of the third financial upgradation under the Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme for personnel who have completed 30 years of service. The plea filed by retired BSF personnel challenges the rejection of their representations for the grant of the third financial upgradation under the MACP Scheme for fixing their pension.
They are seeking the extension of the benefit of the
scheme upon the completion of 30 years of service in their cadre before attaining the age of 60 years. They have also sought a revision of their basic pay and pension. In 2019, the Delhi High Court had held that having two different ages of superannuation for different ranks is discriminatory and unconstitutional. The court had directed a uniform retirement age for all Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) personnel, regardless of rank, within 4 months.