New Delhi: Delhi Police has filed the charge sheet in the court in rape case of a girl in Trilokpuri area of the national capital, before 30 days of the registration of the case. In view of the sensitivity of the case, the charge sheet has been submitted within 21 days against the accused who is currently lodged in judicial custody.
In pursuance to the zero tolerance policy of the Narendra Modi Government to crimes against women and commitment towards expeditious investigation and trial of heinous crimes against women and girls, the investigation completed speedily so that the victim
family gets justice.
Earlier, Ministry of Home Affairs had conducted a high-level review in which Delhi Police had committed to file the charge sheet within 30 days of registration of the case. During investigation, all evidences, including technical, were analyzed and brought on record. Senior officers supervised the investigation on day-to-day basis. Home Ministry said, the accused had been arrested within hours and is currently in judicial custody. In Nangal rape and murder case, Delhi Police had also filed the charge sheet before 30 days.