New Delhi: The special cell of the Delhi Police has seized drugs worth over Rs 30 crore and arrested two persons who worked for an international drug racket. Reportedly, one of the accused - who is a Nigerian national - had been living in India illegally.
The Nigerian national has been identified as Chigozie Foster Okafor alias David. He arrived in the country in July 2019, on a six-month business visa. Reportedly, David did not return to Nigeria even after his visa expired.
Accused went to Nepal & UAE
According to the accused's passport, he had gone to Nepal and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the past. Probe revealed that the accused used to get heroin from a Delhi-based Nigerian.
Reportedly, the Delhi-based
Nigerian sourced his supply from an Afghan national based in the national capital and had later started working on his own network, India Today reported.
Accused used fake identities while shipping contraband overseas
Reportedly, David told the police that many persons from Punjab procured heroin from him in the national capital. The accused also sent the contraband to the United Kingdom (UK), Sri Lanka, UAE, Nepal, South Africa, Bangladesh and other countries. Allegedly, they used fake identities to evade arrest.
After David was arrested, the Delhi Police nabbed another person who was part of the racket. Identified as Babu Lal, the accused used to get the supply of heroin from David and used to supply it to small drug peddlers in Punjab and Haryana.