A Cyber Cell team of the Delhi Police has arrested Disha Ravi, a 21-year-old climate activist, from Bengaluru for being allegedly involved in sharing the "toolkit" related to the farmers' protest on social media. She was picked up from her house for questioning on Saturday and later arrested for her alleged involvement in formulation and dissemination of the "toolkit Google doc".
According to the Delhi Police, Disha had started a WhatsApp group and collaborated to make the "toolkit document". They alleged that Disha shared the document with teen climate activist Greta Thunberg.
Meanwhile, the Delhi Police also stated that Disha later asked Greta to remove the main document after its incriminating details accidentally got into public domain.
"Disha Ravi, arrested by CyPAD Delhi Police, is an Editor of the Toolkit Google Doc & key conspirator in document's formulation & dissemination. She started WhatsApp Group & collaborated to make the Toolkit doc. She worked closely with them to draft the Doc," the Delhi Police said in a series of tweets on Sunday.
"In this process,they all collaborated with pro Khalistani
Poetic Justice Foundation to spread disaffection against the Indian State. She was the one who shared the Toolkit Doc with Greta Thunberg. Later, she asked Greta to remove the main Doc after its incriminating details accidentally got into public domain. This is many times more than the 2 lines editing that she claims," they said.
The Cyber Cell had on February 4 lodged an FIR against "pro-Khalistan" creators of the "toolkit" for waging a "social, cultural and economic war against the Government of India".
The case against unnamed persons was registered on charges of criminal conspiracy, sedition and various other sections of the Indian Penal Code, the police had said.
According to the police, the "toolkit" has a particular section that mentions "digital strike through hashtags on or before January 26, tweet storms on January 23 onwards, physical action on January 26 and watch-out or join farmers march into Delhi and back to borders".
The "toolkit" was aimed at spreading disaffection and ill-will against the government of India and creating disharmony among various social, religious and cultural groups, the police had added.
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