Delhi has witnessed a maximum number of ‘Good’ to ‘Moderate’ Air Quality days during the first four months of January to April 2023 as compared to the corresponding period of the last 7 years since 2016.
During this period, Delhi has also experienced the least number of days with ‘Poor to Severe’ Air Quality in 2023, as compared to the corresponding period of the last seven years.
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change in a statement said that the number of ‘Poor to Severe’ Air
Quality Days from January to April of 2016 was 108 which has come down to 68 during the same period in 2023.
In terms of daily average PM2.5 concentration levels in the national capital, 2023 has been the year with the lowest levels of daily average PM2.5 concentration, as compared to the corresponding period from 2016 barring 2020 which was the year of the Covid lockdown.
Moreover, 2023 has also been the year with lowest levels of daily average PM10 concentration.