Mumbai: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar has said that the state will have to impose strict restrictions if the cases continue to rise with this rate. He pointed out the restrictions imposed by the other states in the country. He said that the virus spreads quickly when people come close to each other and remove their masks at public places or in large gatherings while dining. Physical classes of standard first to 9th and 11th standard have been suspended in Mumbai, Thane, and Navi Mumbai. 28 students and 2 staff members in a residential
school from Bhivandi in Thane district were found positive after the tests of 198 students in the school.
Maharashtra has 52 thousand 422 active cases with the highest number of 32 thousand 274 cases in Mumbai. The state also has the highest number of Omicron cases in the country. Meanwhile, the vaccination drive for the age group of 15 to 18 received good response, and more than one lakh 75 thousand beneficiaries in this age group received the first dose of Covaxin.