Lucknow: Union Minister for culture and tourism G Kishan Reddy yesterday said in Lucknow that an idol of Devi annapurna which was stolen from Varanasi will be handed over to Uttar Pradesh government on the 11th of this month. Uttar Pradesh government will start Devi Annapurna Yatra after receiving the idol in a ceremony at Delhi, which will culminate at Kashi Vishwanath temple and the Pran pratishtha of the idol will take place on 15th November.
Talking to media persons in Lucknow. Union minister said that after the efforts of Prime minister Narendra Modi the ministry of culture received devi annapurna statue from Canada which was stolen almost
100 years back. It was in a university in Canada. He said that 157 statues and paintings have been identified by the government which will be taken back from different countries.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath informed media persons that the idol will be received by Ministers of UP in Delhi on 11 Nov on the occasion of Gopashtami. From there the statue will return in a grand manner and a procession called Devi Annapurna Yatra will pass from different cities which will reach then Varanasi on 14th Nov. It's pran pratishtha will take place on 15 on the occasion of Devothan Ekadasi at baba vishwanath temple.