Patna: National Investigation Agency (NIA) has filed a charge sheet against five persons, alleging that the bomb blast at Bihar’s Darbhanga railway station on June 17 was carried out by Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists. The chargesheet was filled in NIA special court, Patna yesterday.
The low intensity blast had taken place in a parcel packet carrying a bundle of clothing booked in Secunderabad-Darbhanga express after the consignment was unloaded and was being shifted from platform number one to two.
Among those arraigned are
Mohammed Nasir Khan and his brother Imran Malik, who are from Kairana in Uttar Pradesh’s Shamli and had been living in Hyderabad; Saleem Ahmed and Kafil Ahmad, also from Kairana; and Iqbal Kana, who also belongs to Shamli and has been operating from Lahore.
The NIA probe revealed that the alleged LeT operatives had planned to set ablaze a moving long-distance train by planting an improvised explosive device (IED), which would lead to the death of a large number of passengers and damage public property.