New Delhi: Union Labour and Employment Minister Bhupender Yadav on Thursday launched DigiSaksham, a digital skills programme to enhance the employability of youth by imparting digital skills that are required in an increasingly technology driven era.
This joint initiative with Microsoft india is an extension of the Government's ongoing programmes to support the youth from rural and semi-urban areas, a labour ministry statement said.
Through DigiSaksham initiative, free of cost training in digital skills including basic skills as well as advance computing will be provided to more than 3 lakh youths in the first year.
Jobseekers can access the training through National Career Service (NCS) Portal.
The initiative gives priority to the job-seekers of semi urban areas belonging to disadvantaged communities, including those who have lost their jobs due to Covid-19 pandemic.
Speaking at the launch, the Union minister said that with fast paced
technology up gradations, constant skilling, reskilling and up-skilling is a must. Under the DigiSaksham initiative, there will be basically three types of training viz, Digital Skills - self paced learning, VILT mode training (virtual instructor led) and ILT mode training (instructor led), the statement said.
The ILT training which is in person training would be conducted at the Model Career Centres (MCCs) and National Career Service Centres (NCSC) for SCs/STs across the country.
Through this initiative, nearly one crore active jobseekers registered on National Career Service (NCS) Portal will be able to access training in areas like Java Script, Data Visualisation, Advance Excel, Power Bi, HTML, programming languages, software development fundamentals, introduction to coding, etc, equipping them with the skills required in a digital economy, the statement said.
DigiSaksham will be implemented in the field by Aga Khan Rural Support Programme India (AKRSP-I).