The voters of Tamil Nadu have signaled a vote for change as the DMK is comfortably placed to cross the majority mark of 118. With M.K. Stalin set to become the Chief Minister, his posh residence on Chittaranjan Road in Alwarpet became the hub of political and bureaucratic activity on Sunday.
While DMK bigwigs had streamed in since the morning, the officialdom made a beeline later in the afternoon as the DMK’s own lead went past the 120-mark. The state Chief Secretary and DGP were confabulating with the CM designate on the arrangements for the swearing-in. The Chittaranjan Road bungalow will actually be home to two MLAs - Stalin and his son Udhayanidhi both of whom were winning with huge margins from two Chennai seats. And if Stalin wishes it could house two ministers as well.
While the local media had been plastered with tentative lists of ministers
and their portfolios the final shape is expected to be given by Stalin and Udhayanidhi. It remains to be seen if Udhayanidhi – a first-time MLA – would be accommodated in the ministry. His mother Durga Stalin is apparently pushing for it, citing the example of Aditya Thackeray a first-timer inducted as minister in his dad Uddhav Thackeray’s ministry in Maharashtra.
A sweeping win for the DMK with over 170 seats for its alliance – as predicted by many opinion polls - would have left Stalin without any doubt that he had the people’s mandate to form a government of his choice unmindful of criticism about dynasty and nepotism. But the underwhelming nature of the DMK’s present win means that he has to watch his steps as he would be facing strong Opposition in the Assembly.
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