In Tamil Nadu, DMK led by MK Stalin is all set to return to power after a gap of 10 years. The DMK alliance has won 136 seats and leading at 22 seats. Ruling AIADMK has won 68 and leading in 8 others.
In Puducherry, National Democratic Alliance (NDA) has secured majority in the 30-member assembly and all set to form a government. The NDA in Puducherry consists of All India NR Congress, BJP and AIADMK. All India NR Congress has won 10 seats and BJP bagged 6 seats. On the other hand, the rival front member DMK has won 6 seats and Congress two seats. Six seats have gone to Independents.
In the NDA Alliance, the NR Congress contested in 16 seats won in 10 constituencies and the BJP contested for 9 seats got 6 . On the other hand in the
Secular Democratic Alliance, Congress contested in 15 places , but won in 2 seats.
The alliance partner DMK bagged 6 seats out of 13 . To the surprise , without any political identity 6 Independent candidates place a record in their respective Constituencies. The BJP candidates Johnkumar, Namassivayam and Richards Johnkumar won the Kamaraj Nagar, Mannadipet and Nellithope constituencies, respectively. The NR Congress party leader Rengasamy won Thattanchavadi seat , at the same time he lost his second constituency Yanam, to an Independent candidate.
The AIADMK contested in 5 seats and losts all the seats.
2 former Congress Ministers Shajahan and Kandasamy also lost in this battle.