Amid the spread of coronavirus in India, PM Narendra Modi has urged people to remain in the city and restrict their travel until the situation gets better.
PM Modi took to Twitter and said, "Never forget - precautions not panic! It’s not only important to be home but also remain in the town/ city where you are. Unnecessary travels will not help you or others. In these times, every small effort on our part will leave a big impact."
He also urged people to refrain from violating the quarantine rules and follow the instructions given by health officials.
He added, "This is the time we should all listen to the advise given by doctors and authorities. All those who have been told to stay in home quarantine, I urge you to please follow the instructions. This will protect you as well as your friends and family."
PM Modi's tweet comes in the wake of increasing number of csases and people who have been directed to quarantine and isolate themselves running away.
Earlier, Ministry of Railways also said that avoid
travel since there are chances that one can get infected if a co-passenger is tested positive.
It tweeted, "Railways has found some cases of Coronavirus infected passengers in trains which makes train travel risky. Avoid train travel as you may also get infected if your co-passenger has Coronavirus. Postpone all journeys and keep yourself and your loved ones safe. #NoRailTravel"
On Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced Janta Curfew where a curfew would be imposed by the people and for the people to battle coronavirus. The first Janta Curfew, which could be the first of many, will have people locking themselves up at home on Sunday, March 22, 2020 between 7 am and 9 pm.
During his speech, Modi also urged people to not move out of their homes on March 22. He urged organisations such as the NCC and NSS, which are led by youth, civil society and other organisations to actively engage with citizens and encourage them to follow the curfew.
PM Modi also requested everyone to call and inform at least 10 other people about the curfew.