A court in Dominica is scheduled to hear Mehul Choksi's case on Wednesday over his extradition to India. Ahead of the hearing, the Indian authorities said they had gathered documents including his Aadhaar, Permanent Account Number (PAN) and ration card to prove that the fugitive businessman never gave up his Indian citizenship.
Indian authorities are aiming to prove in the Dominican court that Mehul Choksi is still a citizen of India. According to the
officials, fugitive diamantaire Mehul Choksi acquired the citizenship of Antigua but never completed the formalities and paperwork to surrender his Indian citizenship.
As he never completed paperwork to leave Indian citizenship, the records show that he is still an Indian national, the officials said. The documents will be submitted before the Dominican court.
The hearing in Choksi's case has been scheduled for 9 am (6:30 pm IST) on June 2.