New Delhi: Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment Dr Virendra Kumar will launch the first bi-monthly E-Newsletter of Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities today. The E-Newsletter will be launched during the inauguration of the main building of Composite Regional Centre for Skill Development, Rehabilitation, and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities virtually. Social Justice and Empowerment Secretary Anjali Bhawara, Joint Secretary Dr. Prabodh Seth, Director NIEPMD Chennai Nachiketa Rout will also be
present during the function.
The function is being organized at CRC Campus at Chevayur, Kozhikode in Kerala.
Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry said, the E-Newsletter will be helpful in continuity of flow of information and to bridge the gap with the target audience and it will be a gateway to know the department’s activities. It will also keep track of the performance of the different Schemes of the Ministry.