A teacher in Kerala’s Kozhikode district was surprised to find that she was logged out of her WhatsApp account minutes after completing an online class for students. Turns out, a student in her class had managed to log into her WhatsApp account on his phone by taking advantage of screen-sharing during the class.
During the online class, the teacher had switched on screen-sharing on her phone. This meant that all students logged into the class were able to view all the notifications appearing on her phone.
One of the students, taking advantage of the situation, attempted to log into
WhatsApp on his phone using the teacher’s mobile number. To gain access into the account, a one-time password (OTP) is necessary. When the OTP duly flashed on the teacher’s phone, the student was able to easily view it through screen-sharing and got logged into the teacher’s WhatsApp account. Sure enough, on the other end, the teacher got logged out of her account as WhatsApp does not allow simultaneous use on two different devices.
Though the teacher was initially confused about who could have hacked into her account, an examination by the police cyber cell of the phones of the students in the class solved the puzzle.