The External Affairs Minister Dr. S Jaishankar has reacted to the remarks raised by Germany and United States on India’s internal affairs. Speaking at a Meet and Greet interaction organised by Bengaluru South MP Tejasvi Surya in the city, the External Affairs Minister said that the west has a bad habit of commenting on internal matters of other countries.
He said west thinks it has a God-given right to them but they learn by experience that if they keep doing this, other countries will also start commenting on their internal matters.
Mr Jaishankar also
emphasised that one must stop give generous invitations to the world by commenting abroad that there are problems in India.
Talking about India's G20 Presidency, the External Affairs Minister said it will get the world ready for India. He said, India consulted 125 countries who are not part of G20 and came up with the issues being faced by them. He also alluded to the fact that organising G20 meeting at 60 locations in India is democratisation of the foreign policy providing the states an opportunity to converse with the world leaders.