Earth Hour will be observed from 8:30 to 9:30 PM tonight. It is the world's largest grassroots movement for the environment where people around the globe unite to take a stand against climate change by turning off non-essential lights for one hour.
Starting out as a symbolic lights-out event in Sydney in 2007, it has come to be observed every year on the last Saturday of March in more than 180 countries uniting millions of people in the effort to decarbonise the planet both collectively and
The “theme for this year’s global event is "Shape our Future”, highlighting our collective responsibility towards the environment. Earth Hour Official in a tweet said, Humans are the cause of climate change, but they are also the solution. Together, we can take action to #ShapeOurFuture.
Vidya Soundarajan, Director, Ecological Footprints at World Wide Fund (WWF) India said, elaborated on the objective of the Earth Hour.