In Bengaluru, the Vote from Home option has been chosen by around 8900 persons who are above 80 years old or people with disability. The Election Commission has introduced this option for the first time in the Karnataka Assembly election to encourage electoral participation in Urban areas.
This is a first of its kind initiative by the Election Commission to introduce the Vote from Home option for those who cannot visit the polling booth due to age factor or due to disability. Such citizens had to submit a 12D form before April 17th at the booth-level office to avail the option. Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike will create a temporary polling booth at the residences of such voters opting to vote from
The officials will visit such homes four or five days in advance before the polling day of May 10. A Presiding officer, booth level officer, police personnel, and a videographer will visit such homes under intimation to the candidates contesting the election in such constituencies in Bengaluru.
An envelope with the ballot paper will be given to the voter who votes in secrecy and puts it in the envelope. The envelope is sealed with the videographer recording the entire exercise. There are over two lakh voters in Bengaluru above the age of 80 or with a disability but not all have opted to vote from home.