The Election Commission (EC) said that the 2024 Lok Sabha elections saw 64.64 crore votes being polled, and the number of female votes outshined male participation with 65.78 percent. The data was mentioned in a comprehensive set of 42 statistical reports released by the poll body. It also released 14 statistical reports for the assembly elections held in Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha, and Sikkim.
The Lok Sabha 2024 report said that there was an increase of 23.5 percent in registered Third Gender Electors this year. The number of transgender voters increased from 14.64 percent in 2019 to 27.09 percent in
2024. It also said that the repoll happened in 40 polling stations, as compared to 540 in the 2019 General Elections.
The Commission, in a statement, said that this suo motu initiative is to enhance public trust, which constitutes the underpinning of India’s electoral system. It also said that these reports will enable time-series analysis to track the long-term outlook and shifts in the electoral and political landscape. It added that these data sets will be of great importance for stakeholders, including academicians, researchers, and election watchers worldwide.