Lucknow: In Uttar Pradesh, Election Commission has suspended the SHO of Gautampalli police station and sought a written clarification from senior officials on duty regarding a massive gathering at Samajwadi Party headquarters in Lucknow yesterday during a press conference-cum-virtual rally. In a statement, the state Chief Electoral Officer has said the action has been taken for gross negligence in the discharge of duties.
Earlier in the day, the Police filed an FIR against the
Samajwadi Party at Gautampalli police station in Lucknow for violating Model Code of Conduct and Covid protocols during the press conference-cum-virtual rally. A large crowd had gathered at the headquarters of the party. The event was held to induct former ministers in Uttar Pradesh government Swami Prasad Maurya and Dharam Singh Saini and six other MLAs in the Samajwadi Party. Party president Akhilesh Yadav was also present in the event.