The Deputy Election Commissioner Hirdesh Kumar yesterday convened a meeting with Chief Electoral Officers and District Election Officers of Haryana, Punjab, and the Union Territory, Chandigarh. In the meeting, a detailed discussion was also held on the revision of voter lists in preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
Mr. Hirdesh Kumar highlighted a significant change initiated by the Election Commission, enabling youth to register as voters at the age of 17. Previously, eligibility was restricted to those turning 18 on or before the 1st of January of a given year. He said that those turning 18 by the 1st of January, the 1st of April, the 1st of July, and the
1st of October, 2023, should make it a priority to register themselves as voters this year. He emphasised that District Election Officers must communicate changes in polling stations to the political parties.
The Election Commission of India lauded the efforts of Haryana Chief Electoral Officer Anurag Agarwal for developing an innovative mobile application for queue management during polling. This application, a first in the nation, has been created to enhance the convenience of voters by allowing them to determine their place in the queue, eliminating the need to stand in long lines to cast their votes.