Enforcement Directorate has provisionally attached six immovable assets worth over six crore rupees in the alleged Railway job for land scam. The assets belong to former Chief Minister of Bihar Lalu Prasad's wife Rabri Devi, daughter Misha Bharti, son in Law Vineet Yadav, and two companies A B Exports Pvt Limited and A K Infosystem Pvt Ltd owned and controlled by family members of Lalu Prasad.
It has been alleged in the case that appointments
were made in the Railways in return for land gifted and sold to the RJD Chief family when Lalu Prasad was the then Railways Minister during UPA rule.
The investigation was initiated by ED, based on FIR registered by the CBI against Lalu Prasad, Rabri Devi, and others. In this case, seven land parcels were acquired by family members of Lalu Yadav from the candidates for Group D jobs in Railways.